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Breadth Topics:

Breadth Topic One:

This structural breadth reflects the investigation of the steel connections from Depth One, with the possibility for future investigation into changing the connections if existing conditions investigations do not aid in accelerating the schedule delays.


Breadth Topic Two:

This mechanical breadth investigates a side effect of Depth One. When removing the façade to investigate the steel, the still-operating museum will be losing insulation and therefore this breadth evaluates heat loss in the perimeter rooms of the museum for the extended duration.

Depth Topics:

Depth Topic One:

The existing conditions of the steel structure require a more efficient way to learn about them. The delays they caused the team were detrimental to the schedule. This compares the benefits of scanning, or early removal, to the original schedule.


Depth Topic Two:

The number of change orders on this project reworked the milestone schedule multiple times without changing the due date. This evaluates what phasing could have looked like, given all information from the beginning.


Depth Topic Three:

The BIM planning on this project was late and seemingly “tacked on.” This evaluates the contractual reasons for such a decision, and the opportunities missed by not further incorporating BIM earlier on.


Research Topic:

This research investigates a case study of one company’s risk analysis in horizontal and vertical expansion. The goal is to create a flowchart of criteria used to make such an acquisition decision.

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